Wednesday, June 11, 2008

living with intention

I recently came across a blog from Steven Curtis Chapman who just lost his youngest daughter Maria, in a terrible automobile accident.  Since the accident, his song 'Cinderella' has been in the Top 10 on iTunes.  Chapman reflected upon this and wrote about how he realized how the significance of the song and it's message have become more profound. 

He wrote on his blog...."Before last Thursday the song encouraged us to be better, to be intentional and not miss moments. What's a stronger word for encourage? It urges us, it jumps and yells for our attention, it boldly pushes us against the wall like a good friend and says..."don't miss these moments"....I want to be different. It's not that I was a bad Dad or husband last week. It's just I want the new normal to mean more than we lost Maria. I want the new normal to also mean my legacy will be different and stronger and bolder and better. How about you?"

I hope this gives you as much encouragement as it gives me.  What a powerful statement: DON'T MISS THESE MOMENTS.  These moments make and shape us every single day.  

Cinderella (chorus) 
by Steven Curtis Chapman
So I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh I will dance with Cinderella
I don't wanna miss even one song,
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone.....

Be blessed and be well....

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